Building Safety
Building and Emergency Policies
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about building safety and emergency procedures, please contact Building Safety for more information.
- The LSU Office of Environmental Health and Safety has requested that all laboratory doors in this building be kept closed in keeping with fire code requirements (so that any fire or explosion can be better contained) as well as for security reasons. Laboratory doors should also be kept closed out of consideration for other building residents to prevent the spread of fumes, noxious odors and/or excessive noise to the hallways and surrounding areas.
- LSU is a smoke free campus.
- Flyers and other announcements must be confined to bulletin boards. Only official signs are to be allowed on doors, windows, and walls. No ads are allowed on bulletin boards.
- Units are requested to act promptly to have all of their furniture and other items removed from hallways. No such items can be permanently left in building hallways.
- The Energy, Coast and Environment Building Committee strongly encourages every department to request that its employees and students exercise courtesy to others and tolerance of the many different political and religious beliefs present on campus by limiting the display of political or religious items to interior office spaces.
All departments are requested to assist in enforcing these building policies.
Emergency Evacuation Plan and Procedures
This emergency response plan is designed to facilitate the safe evacuation of all occupants from the Energy, Coast and Environment Building in the event of fire or other internal emergency. It is the responsibility of each staff member to know the location of alarm pull stations and fire extinguishers in the immediate vicinity of their work locations, and to develop work methods to minimize the potential for fires or other emergencies. It is also the responsibility of all staff to know their appropriate evacuation route and assembly location. Area Stewards should review and discuss both locations of fire equipment and this plan with anyone associated with his or her assigned area periodically.
If you discover a fire
- If you discover fire or smoke, pull the fire alarm at the nearest box or make absolutely certain that someone else does so. The alarm will automatically sound throughout the building when the alarm is pulled. Make certain the fire alarm gets pulled before you do anything else at all.
- Isolate the fire or smoke by closing the doors to the room or area.
- Call LSU Police at 578-3231 as soon as it is safe to do so. Tell them your name and location, the exact location of the fire, and the description of the situation.
- If you are trained and know how to do so and it is safe to do so, after first reporting the fire, attempt to fight the fire. Use fire extinguishers to aid in the evacuation and to confine the area of the fire. Always report the fire first.
- If it is safe to do so, remove and assist any victims in the immediate area of the fire.
When the alarm goes off
- Remain calm.
- Every fire alarm must be treated as real and requires an immediate and full evacuation.
- All building occupants must exit the building immediately upon the sounding of the fire alarm or upon notification by the Area Stewards. Assist and direct visitors to the nearest safe exit. Shut equipment down that is clearly dangerous to leave running unattended.
- Close doors behind you as you go if you can do so quickly and safely.
- Try to avoid letting fire or heavy smoke get between you and your exit. If you get caught in heavy smoke, take short breaths and crouch down or crawl to the exit.
- If fire or smoke keeps you from exiting the building, get to a window, open it or break it, and signal for help. If you have a cell phone on you or there is a regular phone available, call LSU police at 578-3231 and report your exact location and status.
- Never use an elevator or interior stairs during a fire or other emergency. Only use the fire exits on the west and east ends of the building. The interior stairs are not fire safe.
- Assist any injured or disabled persons from the building or direct emergency personnel to them.
- Report immediately to your designated assembly area.
- Designated assembly areas are determined by which unit each person reports to. There
are two assembly areas for the Energy, Coast and Environment Building:
- Units which report to Energy Studies should assemble in the West building parking lot.
- Units which DO NOT report to Energy Studies should assemble in the East building parking lot.
- Exit the east or west stairways, and then walk around to your designated assembly area.
- If your designated assembly area is hazardous then assemble in the other designated assembly area. If both designated assembly areas are hazardous, then assemble across Nicholson Extension in the student parking lot to the south of the building.
- Remain with and obey any instructions from your Area Steward.
- Do not go anywhere else but the correct assembly area. People need to know that you are alive and have exited the building. If you go anywhere other than your assembly area this may result in people risking their lives looking for you inside the building. Go where you are supposed to go and stay there until told to go elsewhere.
- Area Stewards
- Direct people to assigned exits and assembly areas.
- Verify that the assigned area is evacuated.
- Check all persons in your assembly area and identify any missing persons.
- Report missing person(s) presumed to be in the building to LSU Police and/or firemen.
- Remain in the assembly area with your group until receiving instructions from either LSU Police, firemen, the Building Coordinator, the Chairman of the Building Committee, or LSU Occupational & Environmental Safety personnel to re-enter the building or to take other steps.
- Relocate your evacuees as a group to another assembly area if told to do so or on your own initiative if the regular assembly area becomes unsafe.
- If possible, select someone in the same area to serve as your backup should you be absent.
- Inform the personnel within your assigned area about these procedures.