Shannon Dehghanpir
Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty October 16, 2017
In the News
MS, Louisiana State University, 2017
DVM, Louisiana State University, 2013
BS, Louisiana State University, 2009
Certificate, Teaching in the Healthcare Professions, Louisiana State University
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Research Interest
Veterinary mycology
Teaching Interest
Virtual microscopy, Board-preparatory training
Clinical Interest
Veterinary mycology
Awards & Honors
2021, LSU Vet Med Faculty Service Award
2021, Innovation in Teaching Award
2020, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2020, School of Veterinary Medicine Outstanding Teaching Award
2019, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2019, School of Veterinary Medicine Outstanding Teaching Award
2018, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2018, Outstanding Service Award
2018, School of Veterinary Medicine Outstanding Teaching Award
2018, Zoetis Animal Health Distinguished Teacher Award
2017, CL Davis Award
What is Your Diagnosis? Urine sediment from a dog. Myers JM, Schexnayder MM, Mekuria Z, Mitchell MS, Ryan KA, Dehghanpir SD. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. In Press (Nov 2021)
What is Your Diagnosis? Pleural fluid from a dog. Schexnayder MM, Rutherford S, Rademacher N, Ryan KA, Dehghanpir SD. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. In Press (Sept 2021)
Malignant trichoepithelioma (metrical carcinoma) in a dog. Hu TG, Dehghanpir SD, Sasaki E, Costa VR, Pucheu-Haston CM, Del Piero F, Withers SS. Journal of American Veterinary Association. In Press (Jun 2021)
Chemotherapy-responsive acute myeloid leukemia in a veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus). Dehghanpir SD, Boudreaux B, Withers S, Izquierdo A, Sasaki E, Del Piero F, Braden M, Mitchell MA. 2021, The Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery.
Investigation of the association between gall bladder wall thickness and hypoalbuminaemia in dogs., Sparago, J; Rademacher, N; Dehghanpir, S; Post, J; Liu, C; Johnston, A, 2021, The Journal of Small Animal Practice
Feline mesothelioma: case report and review of cytologic, immunocytochemical, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical findings, Schlueter, Andrew; Dehghanpir, Shannon; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Robinson, Christopher; Menk P. Lima, Jose Cesar ; Langohr, Ingeborg, 2021, Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
Trapped neutrophil syndrome in a Border Collie, Hegler, Ashley; Grooters, Amy; Dehghanpir, Shannon; Gallaher, Rebekah; Gaschen, Lorrie, 2020, Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
Bicavitary effusion in a horse with multicentric lymphoma, Camacho‐Luna, Pilar; Andrews, Frank; Dehghanpir, Shannon; Gaunt, Stephen; Kim, Ken; Wakamatsu, Nobuko; Garcia, H, 2020
What is Your Diagnosis? Dermal Nodules in a Dog, Dehghanpir, Shannon; Bemis, David; Kania, Stephen; Sakaguchi, Kanako; Langohr, Ingeborg; Gaunt, Stephen; Grooters, Amy; Pucheu-Haston, Cherie, 2019, Veterinary Clinical Pathology , Volume: 48, Number: 3, Pages: 496-498
Pathology in Practice: Canine Eosinophilic Pulmonary Granulomatosis, Dehghanpir, Shannon; Leissinger, Mary; Jambhekar, Anisha; Kawabata, Atsushi; Ryan, Kirk; Wilson, Leslie; Gaunt, Stephen, 2019, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association , Volume: 254, Number: 4, Pages: 479-482