Delbert Burkett
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Jaak Seynaeve Professor of Biblical Studies Professor of Religious Studies 123 Coates Hall 225-578-2389 |
Professor Burkett studies the New Testament with special interest in history, religion, and literature of earliest Christianity. His research publications include two books on the New Testament title "Son of Man" and an introduction to the New Testament and the origins of Christianity. His multi-volume series on the Synoptic Problem (Rethinking the Gospel Sources), of which two volumes have been published, provides new perspectives on the literary relationship between the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. His most recent book is The Case for Proto-Mark: A Study in the Synoptic Problem. He also edited The Blackwell Companion to Jesus. Before joining the Religious Studies faculty at LSU in 1996, he taught at Western Kentucky University, Appalachian State University, and Lebanon Valley College. He served as Section Head of Religious Studies (2004-2007) and Department Chair (2010-2016).
B.A. in Koine and Classical Greek, Abilene Christian College (1971)
M.T.S. at Harvard Divinity School (1973)
Ph.D. in New Testament and Christian Origins, Duke University (1989)
REL 1005: New Testament
REL 4050: A History of God
REL 4236: Apocalyptic Literature
REL 4500: Seminar in Biblical Studies
HNRS 2030: A History of Jesus
Recipient of ATLAS Grant (2009-2010)
Recipient of the Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award, Ogden Honors College (2007)
Recipient of Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Honor Society award for "superior instruction of freshman students" (1999, 2003)
Recipient of the LSU Council on Research Summer Research Stipend (1997, 2000)
Recipient of Travel Grant, Southern Regional Education Board (1992)
The Case for Proto-Mark: A Study in the Synoptic Problem. WUNT I/399 (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018)
(ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Jesus (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)
Rethinking the Gospel Sources, Volume 2: The Unity and Plurality of Q. Early Christianity and Its Literature 1 (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009)
Rethinking the Gospel Sources: From Proto-Mark to Mark (New York/London: T&T Clark International, 2004)
An Introduction to the New Testament and the Origins of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002; second edition 2019)
The Son of Man Debate: A History and Evaluation. SNTS Monograph Series 107 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)
The Son of the Man in the Gospel of John. JSNT Supplement Series 56 (Sheffield Academic Press, 1991)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Chapters
"The Transfiguration of Jesus (Mark 9:2-8): Epiphany or Apotheosis?" Journal of Biblical Literature 138 (2019): 413-32
"Did Jews Rinse their Hands 'with a Fist' (Mark 7.3)?" New Testament Studies 65 (2019): 139-47
"The Parable of the Unrighteous Steward: A Prudent Use of Mammon," New Testament Studies 64 (2018): 326-42
“Images of Jesus: An Overview," in Blackwell Companion to Jesus, ed. Burkett (2011), 1-9
“Jesus in Luke-Acts," in Blackwell Companion to Jesus, ed. Burkett (2011), 47-63
(with Kelly Brown Douglas) "The Black Christ," in Blackwell Companion to Jesus, ed. Burkett (2011), 410-26
"The Return of Proto-Mark: A Response to David Neville," Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 85/1 (2009): 129-49
"The Nontitular Son of Man: A History and Critique," New Testament Studies 40 (1994): 504-21
"Two Accounts of Lazarus' Resurrection in John 11," Novum Testamentum 36 (1994): 209-32
"Four Sahidic Songs to St. John the Evangelist," Coptic Church Review 9 (1988): 83-86